
A Disabled Cat Who Escaped Euthanasia is Overjoyed to Have His First Friend.

Snapple, a little kitten from Wisconsin, had a shaky start to life. Born with cerebellar hypoplasia (CH), a condition affecting his balance, his world was a bit wobbly. But Snapple was a fighter, and his bright spirit shone through.

Source: Instagram

Kris, a kind foster mom, saw the sparkle in Snapple’s eyes and opened her heart to him. She cared for him with love, knowing he deserved a forever home where he could truly thrive.

Meanwhile, a couple in Hawaii dreamed of adopting a special needs cat. They contacted Kris, full of questions and a little bit of worry. Could they handle a cat with CH? Kris, with her reassuring nature, explained everything, giving them confidence and hope.

Source: Instagram

The woman flew all the way from Hawaii to meet Snapple. It was love at first sight! They decided to make him part of their family. But there was a hiccup – Hawaii’s strict animal quarantine laws meant Snapple had to stay with Kris for four more months.

Source: Instagram

During that time, Snapple and Kris grew even closer. But finally, it was time for Snapple to fly to his new home. Kris went with him, making sure he settled in comfortably.

Source: Instagram

Snapple’s new home came with a surprise – a furry friend named Moana! Moana, the couple’s first “foster fail,” became Snapple’s protector and best buddy. If Snapple ever meowed in discomfort, Moana was right there to check on him.

Source: Instagram

Moana’s patience and love helped Snapple feel like a regular cat, giving him the confidence to explore his new world. Their bond is so strong that their owner feels like an extension of Snapple, calling themselves his “sixth limb”!

Source: Instagram

Snapple’s CH doesn’t affect his smarts or his zest for life. He loves toys and gets so excited when he sees Moana. He’s been with his forever family for three years now, and they hope for many more happy years together.

Source: Instagram

Snapple’s story is a reminder that even wobbly kittens can find their balance and a whole lot of love. So, if you’re thinking of adopting a pet, consider opening your heart to a special needs animal. You might just find your new best friend, just like Snapple and Moana did!

For more: Cat Story

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